Monday, February 6, 2012

egg rolls

Hey gs.

Bleh today was really bad.

Bleh tomorrow will be really bad.

Bleh this week will be really bad.

Yeah I know they were running really late for their flight. Hey g what would you have done if they had missed their flight and then because of that they couldn't come to Nashcon and were stuck in Minneapolis instead?

And then what if. They were like. "Oh well we'll just do the thing here." And then they were like

"Calling all Supernatural fans in the twin cities."

And then.

We assembled.

And you



But yeah same I watched the videos after I had seen all the comments that people were saying and some of them didn't make sense to me after that.

I love beards!

I do not want to puke all over the 17th ep anymore actually.

When do we get to see your pic!?!?!?

But wait when was it confirmed that Chuck was God!?!??! Bleh that is no good to me because that seems like it was just this stupid fan theory that caught on and then they were like "what...? when did we say Chuck was God...?" And so then they had to be like "Well...maybe... if you want to think about it...that...way........" So I don't get it.

Well this whole post has pretty much been responding to Hob's post and its quite long so.

I have a headache bleh.

Bleh bleh bleh

How is it only Monday?

Please disregard the next paragraph I just need to rant about my friend for a min.

Bleh I want to puke on Abby and I hope she never read this but she probably won't because whenever I talk about our blog she's like "okay." and doesn't really show any interest. But anyway okay well for one thing she wouldn't read my fic even though I was begging like a dog for her to and I told her I really needed her help with it and then finally she read it when she got home but she had run off with my copy that I had made notes on so that was worthless. But okay the main thing is that she is being so annoying like okay well you know how Cass fans always complain about the lack of Cass and some of them don't watch the episodes unless they are about Cass? Well that is super annoying to me and like Abby is being kind of like that but not about Cass, about Sam. And everyone knows that Sam is my favorite character and I love him more than anyone else in this world so that is saying something that I am annoyed at this. Like okay there is this one g I know who is always like "oh man I'm not even interested in Supernatural anymore since Cass is not on it tee hee that's just a sign that he should come back!" And okay I would be mad if Sam was not in some episodes but he is in every episode and he still plays a role! So when Abby complains about episodes not being Sam-centric I'm like yeah girl I know that feel but you should still watch. And she's like okay but today she was like "yeah I didn't watch the episode. My Supernatural obsession is at an all time low because there's not enough Sam-centric episodes." I just wish I knew how to make everyone understand that if you don't watch the show then there won't be a show. If you don't watch the show then Cass will never come back. If you don't watch the show then there won't be anymore Sam-centric episodes.


Um wait so related to Sam-centric episodes... In one of the videos I watched from Nashcon J2 said that they had been filming mostly Sam-centric episodes lately in preparation for it to be more Dean-centric when Jared's baby is born and he needs to take some time off. I'm okay with that, I mean I can understand as long as the very end of the season is not just super Dean-centric because the end of the season should be equal in my opinion. And okay I know Jared's baby is supposed to be born in March but is that early March or late March? Today I saw a thing that I don't know what its from but it said that Gen was 8 months pregnant so then there would be one more month to go. So then the thing should be born early March. Okay so with if that is true then when do they usually finish up filming? The only thing that I know is that in the panel they were talking about filming Swan Song and they said that was late March. If all this holds true then we should be okay.

I am so cold!!!!!!!!!

Except wait...Most of this season has been Dean centric and then there's supposed to be like what a couple Sam-centric ones and then more Dean-centric...?

Okay this post probably sucks because all I am doing is complaining about people complaining about lack of Sam eps and then also complaining about lack of Sam eps.

But note I still watch the damn show!!!!!

Yeah this post sucks but I am so cold and my head hurts and everything sucks so what can you expect, really?

Bleh when I am cold then I think "oh man a nice shower will warm me up." but then halfway through my shower the water always gets super cold and then I get out of the shower colder than I was when I got in... And maybe I take too long of shower but idk man they don't feel long enough to me.

Hob you might want to consider calling mom and dad because they are going crazy with worry about you and they think you might be dead because you haven't called. And then finally I had to show Mom your blog post really quick where you said you were at your friend's house to get her to leave me alone.......

Yesterday I watched Supernatural on Netflix even though I have the DVDs and most of the episodes also on my computer!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am a failure at life!!!!!!!!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Today I said creepily affectionate things to people and all of them were things that Sam and Dean have said to each other.

Like just like stroking people gently.

"This is real."

Turns out people are really creeped out by that.

Day 6 - Least favorite female

dis bitch

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