Thursday, February 9, 2012


hey gs

bleh i hate misha collins so much. he linked to that stupid dumb stupid dumb dumb dumb poll on twitter and ugh

apparently the winning couple is gonna get interviewed and it's like...for one thing a interview with jensen and misha would be bad enough but it would i guess be an interview espeically about dean/cass and like jensen super dosn't want anything to do with that i'm pretty sure. like when he's asked about it he's always like "sorry that's not what the show is about". and meanwhile misha linked to the poll for one thing and like always talks about reading fanfiction and bleh omg i hate everything.

also i'm pretty unexcited for the next 6 eps so.

well gob apparently the only requirments for when people were nominating couples were that there were two characters who are still on a show

but wait cass isn't on the show anymore

well i guess he is

i just wanna puke all over this world

well anyway i wonder if sam and dean were nominated and they just didn't let an incest ship be in the poll or if sam/dean shippers are just less stupid than dean/cass shippers

ok well here's a pic of me and jensen!!!!

Day 9 - Worst season for Sam's hair

season 1 def. omg it looks so bad. short-ish hair just isnt for him.

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