Tuesday, February 7, 2012

fish love swimming!

Hey gs.

Wow I thought yesterday was bad but today was like the worst day ever.

It was like I had to stay after school to film a documentary and then when I got home I had to eat dinner and then after dinner I had to go to a caucus and that was super long and not that interesting. And then I just got home. Wow this day has sucked.

Also this morning was like the worst morning ever I was having the worst luck and I felt like dying.

Bleh what even is this week?

Okay wow g don't tell me to say more interesting things for the game that last q was just like I was in a bad mood and I didn't want to talk about Jo because bleh. Hello I usually say interesting things for the game more than most people....

Okay yeah but I thought they were going to film episodes 17-19 while Jared was gone so those were going to be the Dean-centric ones but since they're already filming episode 17 and its only early February then I'm worried that when Jared's baby is born they'll be filming episodes past those ones and Jared will be gone so those episodes will be Dean centric too in addition to 17-19 which I'm pretty sure will be about Dean and Cass. So.... That is just a lot of episodes...

Wow I really hate the guy that plays Chuck though. Like I don't know that much about him but he always comes to conventions and like hangs out with the guys that play Gabriel and young John and they are so annoying to me and they are not even important and they think they are so cool and blehhhhh. He probably just said that to make himself seem more important. Or maybe Kripke said that as a joke or something idk.

Day 7 - Favorite female

Definitely Rubadoodle because:
*She has a cool nickname.
*She was super awesome.
*She was a demon.
*She loved Lucifer.
*She helped Sam use his powers.
*She shipped Wincest.

By the way I used to like blonde Ruby more and I still like both of them but this Ruby is my favorite now.

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