Tuesday, February 7, 2012

not again

heyy gs!

goos it might snow tonight and we might get a 2 hour delay tomorrow!!!! that would be so awesome.

omg sorry to rant about this but one of my friends is being such a huge glug lately. like he will not believe me that the line in star wars episode 5 is "No. I am your father." when he actually thinks it is "No Luke, I am your father" and he just claims himself to be this mega star wars fan even though any real star wars fan would know that. and then he was like calling me out for not being a good star wars fan and making this huge deal just because sometimes i skip the opening crawl of text in the beginning and he's always trying to make one of my other friends who has never seen star wars watch it. well i used to try to do that too but i figured out people just get really annoyed at you and end up hating star wars even more most of the time.

and also he likes twilight and a bunch of other movies which have a bunch of action but are really crappy movies. like he can be cool sometimes, and he's still my friend, but lately he's been super annoying. D:

well anyways i have a really huge headache again so i don't really feel like posting much more. sorry gs. idk why i keep getting really horrible headaches DDDD:

Day 7 - Favorite female

i really like ruby because she's just this awesome demon even though i don't like the second actress of her quite as much. and i liked how she was initially "on sam and dean's side."

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