Sunday, January 29, 2012

cat prison blues

Hey gs!!!

This is really normal.

That was so just regular like a regular person might make that.

Nothing weird about that really.

Bleh I don't want tomorrow to be Monday.

Oh wait I need to do the comparing thing for today even though that is always so uninteresting.

It has to be done.

EXPECTATIONS: Boring and also it will suck more than Saturday.

REALITY: Yeah pretty much though today didn't suck that much more than yesterday because I didn't have to do a ton of homework like I usually do on Sundays and also we had pizza.

Hey Hob that pic you drew of those little guys in the tree house was so cute and I love that fic.

I drew some pics of some fics I have read recently. Clicking on the pic ~might~ direct you to the fic.

Welp I'm not a great artist.

Haha I just realized they're touching in all of those pics except for one.

Day 29 - Your favorite SPN fanfic

Oh honey that is way to hard. Okay I will tell you a great one. That post-apocalypse one where Sam is a dog.

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