Friday, January 13, 2012

dead cat's blood


Ready for my thoughts on tonight's ep?
*I didn't hate it as much as I thought I would.
*Okay I didn't hate it.
*It was pretty good.
*Sam's hair was the best part.
*Um there was nothing about Dean's beer but there was something messing around with time so either Gob's theory is wrong, that will be addressed in a later ep, or that will never be explained.
*The guy Dean was hanging around with looked really similar to Dean and I couldn't tell their clothes or hats or anything apart so it was really hard for me to tell who was who when they were wearing those hats and kind of far away. Their voices were also similar so that didn't help.
*Also Sam and Jody have similar hair a little bit but Sam's is better and longer and nicer and sideburns.
*That g who called them idjits REALLY reminded me of Bobby! Omg the part when she most reminded me of Bobby was when she kissed Dean! That is exactly like Bobby, wow! Crazy day!
*Why did they need to show that whole scene with them going after the god twice? They could have just cut to the end.
*Actually a lot of this episode could have been cut out to make room for more Sam.
*I liked when they were playing rock paper scissors but what were they playing for? I thought it was for where they were going to sleep but if Sam was sleeping on the floor and he won then where is Dean sleeping?
*I loved Sam and Jody together and she probably used that mom voice on Zach and Cody. That is adorable to me.
*But also sad because Sam never had a mom really.
*The parts with Dean in the 1944 were not that interesting to me. Dean has gone to the past so many times and he always does the same thing. Like, make cultural references that no one understands and then get confused when no one understands them. I guess it was funny the first time he did that but now its just getting old. I just really want there to be a time travel episode where only Sam time travels or I guess another where they both do because Sam is smart about it and that's better to me.
*Squatting is cute and all but I miss motels.
*When Dean says "you're a hunter" and expects people to know he means a hunter of the supernatural I think he is a fool.
*Maybe they were going to share that little sleeping pad actually.
*Did they guy mean the future in general or their future specifically when he said it was covered in black ooze?
*Why is it that there's three weeks until the next episode but everyone is saying that there is two?
*The next ep looks bleh. Three Dean eps in a row looks like. So I'm not excited for it at all but I hate that I have to wait three weeks for it because I want to get it done with so I can have the next eps especially the 15th ep.
*The best thing about the promo for the next episode is further proof that Sam and Dean have matching tattoos.

Well that is all.

Okay I'm going to look through other people's posts for things to respond to because it seems like no one has been doing that lately.

*Hey, was school cancelled, Gob?
*That post sucked, I already said that.
*Yeah, I deleted my draft. That was the only one I could find.
*Those little guys.
*Did you just pick the most Wincest-y funny scenes? haha
*Wow the Christmas ep is not even funny at all. I hate when Abs goes on about that ep like its funny. I think she just likes the part where they take that guy up the chimney. That part is so long and boring to me. Wow the last scene is like the least funniest part probably Wow there is NOTHING funny about that.
Wow. Just wow.
That pic. It's giving me emotions and they are not laughter.
*Wow Gob not only is that a really lame favorite quote but you also misquoted. It's just "Love me some pie." Hey g. Remember that time. When Noah was making pie or something and I had just started watching Supernatural and he told us both something about the pie and we both said love me some pie? I will never forget that. That was so crazy. Well it wouldn't be that crazy now but it felt crazy then. That was probably like the first time I ever quoted Supernatural!

Okay that's all I'm going to do because I'm at least a couple days back now and you gs have probably forgotten what you've even said.

Oh Hob just posted. Nice post g. Aw man I had most of my tears prepared but I guess I will save them for tomorrow.

Instead I will talk about my own tears.

Day 13 - A scene that makes you sad/cry

Actually many scenes have made me cry, but the first scene that made me cry was in "Swan Song" when Lucifer!Sam's beating up Dean and then Sam takes control and jumps into the Cage. I think I have already talked about this and really its pretty obvious why it makes me sad.

Hey Hob talked about more than one though so I can too!

Well more scenes have made me cry. A lot actually. I will just say some of them. The last scene of "Dark Side of the Moon" has made me cry when Dean loses faith in Sam and throws away the amulet. Sam's face is so heartbreaking and also its like. It's Dean's amulet. It's like a symbol of their love and Dean just tossed it in the trash and Cass said it was worthless and that whole ep oh my god.

Well another scene is somewhat unexpected but yes my tears cannot be tamed. Okay its this scene in "The Song Remains the Same" when Sam and Dean are talking to Mary and like telling her to leave John so that they're never born.

Wait another one is kind of weird but you know in "Point of No Return" when Adam is complaining to Sam about his childhood? Well that scene. Well actually it there may have been some angry tears in there too But okay I don't feel bad for Adam obviously. I feel so bad for Sam because he is going through so much and Dean has lost faith in him and Lucifer and everything and his childhood sucked way more than Adam's and no one should complain to Sam Winchester ever. No one.

Okay I just had to have a long snack with Hob and I can't remember the other times I was going to say. Well that's good enough I guess.

Oh wait duh. When Sam dies in "All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1"!!!! Wow one time I was watching that episode and it finished and I was crying and then I went took a short break and when I got back there were still tears in my eyes and then I started "All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 2" and I continued crying.

Okay nice.

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