Monday, January 2, 2012

the final cat


Well I think that means you lose maybe.

Well Gob wants us to respond to things that have been said in previous posts so I will just do that now.

Well Hob didn't say anything in her last post that I know how to respond to.
The post before that was mine.
Okay Gob asked what we think about responding to things that have been said in posts and well I am doing it you glug so what does that tell you?
Gob where are your pictures though? Have you even taken any yet?
Dean is stupid though. JK. Except I was wondering if you saying that you want an older brother like Dean means that you want to get with him because that was my initial reaction actually.

Okay well that is enough responding, aint it?

We should talk more about our days because even if it seems boring it might be interesting to read in future years.

Today I made a cake! Also I watched Devil's Trap with my g! Also Noah had school today and I didn't so I laughed at him! Also I had yummy crab for dinner! Also today I saw a cat!

Well that was so interesting.

Okay now I have some information for you that may come as a shock...

Okay here it is, guys.

Sam and Dean...have...ARMS!

Were you blown off of your seats by this shocking news?!?!? Well, you shouldn't be. Their arms are there for everyone to see them, really. Okay, well usually they like to keep them covered up in many layers but that is fine. It's just because they only break out the short sleeves for SPECIAL OCCASIONS.

Okay I will tell you the rules they live by. If your name is Sam or Dean here are the times you might wear a short sleeved shirt.

If you're sleppin

When you're tussling on the floor with your brother and then afterwards

When you were just sleppin

When a shapeshifter took your clothes

Also when a shapeshifter took your clothes and then you have to untie your bro

When you were sleppin but you just had a vision

When you're not sleppin but you received a phonecall

When you just had a put on a shirt to talk to your father

When you just had a vision and you have to start packing up your stuff

When your bro had a vision and he wakes you up in the middle of the night

When some people take your clothes and lock you in a cage

Then you might actually have to wear just this shirt for the rest of the episode what a shame

This is the first instance of one of them wearing a short sleeved shirt for no reason other than that they are chillin alone

If you're in a hospital you will probably also

And your ghostie

And when you're fixing your car

And when your bro is fixing his car but you're talking to him about something

Then you might both have arms at the same time!

This might happen again. That car is pretty messed up.

Okay if you're watching porn then you might.

Or if you walk in and your brother is watching porn. It's a good idea then to start stripping down.

This is an interesting time because I would not say Sam would usually just wear that shirt in a restaurant... But maybe its easier for him because of his cast. And maybe its really warm, notice Dean's not wearing a jacket which is also a bit unusual.

But a good time is if you just had a vision and now you're on the floor.

Or if you're pukin

If you are pretending to be a nurse or something.

If you're in prison

If you're just chillin in the motel room and talking to your bro on the phone

If you're sleppin

When you're tussling on the floor with your brother and then afterwards

This is the only occurrence of a... what do you call it? Tank top? But yeah. Good idea if you are about to have sex and you just want to clear it with your bro. Also a good idea to not take off that amulet your bro gave you so the women know who you really belong to.

Another good time if its Tuesday again.

Also if you were shot or something?

And if you're just chillin

If you're in Hell

If you just got back from Hell

If your bro just got back from Hell.

If you're sleppin

If you just woke up

If you had to stitch up your own arm and then fix your bro

If you're about to have sex

If you're telling your brother about a time when you had sex

If you're spying on your bro

If you're in the hosptial

If your job requires it

If you just had sex or something

If you are a bartender

Okay if you're chillin alone in your motel room, washing something, its fine to do...

But as soon as a stinky angel appears you ought to move to that bed and put something on to cover up so he doesn't know you have arms.

If you're having a heart to heart with Lucifer. Lucifer likes to see that.

If you're doing research in your motel room, talkin to your brother, the usual.

If you're in a Herpexia commercial

If you're in a mental hospital

Okay if someone stole your meatsuit its probably a good idea to have them do this in the mirror

If your life has gone down the drain

And then when you stare every night at the empty street wishing you could have your brother back.

When you just had sex and then your brother shows up

When you're in a hospital

Aaaand when your wife steals your clothes and ties you up.

You see, SPECIAL OCCASIONS!!!! That's why they usually wear so many layers, OKAY, MOTHER?!?!?

In conclusion: Sam and Dean have arms.

Just for fun...

Total: 49
Dean: 23
Sam: 32
Both: 6

Season 1 total: 8
Dean: 4
Sam: 6
Both: 2

Season 2 total: 12
Dean: 5
Sam: 7
Both: 3

Season 3 total: 5
Dean: 3
Sam: 2
Both: 0

Season 4 total: 10
Dean: 3
Sam: 7
Both: 0

Season 5 total: 7
Dean: 3
Sam: 5
Both: 1

Season 6 total: 5
Dean: 4
Sam: 1

Season 7 so far: 2
Dean: 1
Sam: 1
Both: 0


Ooops that took so long! I was going to talk more about this but I need to have time for the game. Well actually the game will be easy.

Day 2 - Least Favorite Character
My least favorite character is Cass because he is so gross an annoying and Hob I agree a pic of him would ruin the whole blog. We'd have to shut down the whole operation.

Okay well there's still time in which I could talk about that fascinating picspam and that data but I want to have time to gather my thoughts. That picspam was really fun to make! It was like a scavenger hunt! Its also fun to look at for me. I wonder if everyone likes it or if they are just annoyed because wowie that is a lot of pics.

Well I want to do more picspams so does anyone have any requests?!?!?!?

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