Saturday, January 14, 2012

i'm sick of sgabettios

hey gs!!!! great news!!! sam and dean have handsies! that is so adorable! they are just these two little guys with hands!

sometimes they even use their hands! sometimes they use their hands to talk on the phone. this is a great thing when dean does this and has a ring:

sam also uses his hands to talk on the phone but it's not as memorable because no ring:

and same for dean when he doesn't have a ring anymore:

one time sam had a ring!

well here is another thing they do with their hands: play rock paper scissors!

they do it for really important things like who gets to stay with a g:

or not that important things like who gets to crawl in an air duct:

meanwhile their not real brother stands there and is like "just wtf are these two grown men doing...?"

or they do it for really gross things like who has to go talk to bobby:

or they do it to see who gets to top:

jj. idek what they were doing it for.

well here is a really great thing they do with their hands: be handcuffed!

jsyk i think dean has been handcuffed 8 times including one time that i couldn't find a good cap of which was in the pilot, and sam has been handcuffed 5 times including one time i couldnt find a good cap of which was in mommy dearest

here is a cool thing sam does with his hands! he presses on the scar on his hand!


another great thing is when they need some blood from their hand:

dean puts his hands on his face a lot:


occasionally sam puts his hands on his face:

one time sam broke his hand:

one time dean had some scrapes on his hands:

one time sam's hand stopped being a fist:

there's blood on dean's hands like the blood in sam!

sam's hand are really big compared to fake ruby's hands:

dean's hands have freckles on them:

but...the best thing sam and dean do with their hands is hold hands with each other:


well that's the end!

but wait. here's a thing i found when i was looking for pics. idk if this has already been on our blog or something but it's so hilarious so it's fine to see it again:

hahahaha icqcml

ok well i've justbeen informed that i have to do the rest of s1 today so:

the benders:


wow just wait till season 4. you might think you're going to win because sam apparently cries a lot in s1. i mean that is understandable because his gf just died so...

oh here's what i did today: played tabboo and made puppy chow!

alright the game

Day 14 - A scene that makes you happy

wow this is really dumb/hard. lots of scenes make me happy so idk. ok i'll say the scene in jus in bello when sam and dean are chained together is a scene that makes me happy!!

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