Since its Saturday I'm going to start my post kind of early so that I can have a really great post!!!!
Okay wait this was so crazy. Last night I had a dream that noodles were alive but you had to like soak them in water to bring them to life and I did that with this little noodle and then the noodle was Dean like it looked like a noodle but it was Dean somehow. And noodle!Dean was like "where's Sam?" and then he found this like plastic fork and he thought it was Sam and he was trying to get fork!Sam to talk to him but it wasn't working because it was a fork and it was so sad.
But here is some news called Sam and Dean have feet.
Haha this is going to be weird.
Okay but remember when Dean used to sleep barefoot?

And remember that great shot of Sam's feet in "Hell House?"

And remember when Dean spent an entire episode barefoot?

Look at them.

Cute little feet.

Well I think its clear that Sam and Dean have feet and they are adorable.
But guys. The best thing ever is sock feet. I love sock feet the best.

Look at this time when Sam and Dean had sock feet AT THE SAME TIME.

And now look at that little one socked foot.

Oh sock feet. You are my favorite.
But guys there is more to be said. Okay, their feet aren't just there to look cute. Their feet are really important.

Sometimes they Sam steps on Dean.
Dean likes to put his feet up on beds with his shoes on.

A lot of times they actually even sleep with their shoes on which seems like it would be really uncomfortable.

Okay that is all I could come up with.
Hey Hob posted. Nice post g.
You didn't say anything about their bracelets though. Or does that not count because those are on their wrists.
Haha I like Sam holding phones more. He does it more delicately.
Um I just counted the number of times Sam has been handcuffed and I got 10. Soooo....
Well anyway.
Okay I just thought it should be known to the blog that Hob and I have a great idea for a Supernatural episode where Sam and Dean get turned into little mousies.
Omg I just googled "cute mice" and there are so many cute mice! Omg these pics are even cute if you think about them as Sam and Dean!
Here is Sam and Dean sharing a kiss on some wheat.

Here is Sam and Dean playing some instruments.

Hey gs I finished my vid! Do you want to see it? Well here it is!!!!
Well, did you like that?!?!?
Oh man I still have to do the rest of season 1. Okay well I have the pics so I'l just do it.
Okay the game now because I need to hurry this along so that Hob and I can watch Supernatural and eat our puppy chow that we made!
So many scene make me happy... Cass's death, Bobby's death, Jessica's death... JJ not Jessica's death. I don't know why I said that.
BUT one scene that definitely makes me happy is this scene in "Fresh Blood" when Dean's teaching Sam how to fix up the Impala. It's just so cute and they're these little guys and its such an adorable brother moment. Though it also makes me sad because Dean's going to Hell and algjlkdgjdlsjgdsg. But really. Is there even such a thing as a completely happy scene in Supernatural?

Well, that's all gs!
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